Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Christ Destroyed Sexuality

It interests me, how radically different sexuality was in ancient Rome and Greece from how it is now. Probably because it pre-dated the unfortunate influence of Christ, they were free of all the whiney Christian stricture which is now imprinted in tradition, and which has been the cause of a great deal of modern and past hatemongering.

They were free from any voice which told them, without foundation, that other male bodies were something to shy away from. They recognized other bodies of the same sex as, quite simply, what they were, other bodies with other minds, as ripe as any for the pleasures of human communication and love. And they fucked- a lot.

My guess is that pure homosexuality is even rarer than it seems to be to us, today, because in modern times, the shame instilled in those who feel any sexual inclination towards men at all forces them to deal with it, to think it an even heavier burden, to the extent that they convince themselves that their 'feelings towards men' is the dominant sentiment in their personality. My guess is, a much larger number of homosexuals are actually bisexual, and due to conditioning they are forced to identify and purify the sentiments they feel strongly and cannot explain, at first, fighting their way through outside voices until they have found what they think is their "self."

This could be completely wrong, of course. And it's not quite relevant to the main point, here-- that pre-Christian sexuality was far more logical than it has been since Christianity, far more natural. Based in both pleasure and love. My inclination, based simply on how evolution works, is to think that venereal disease were rarer then than they are now, that is, there were fewer kinds. Which is also interesting; they had more sex than the post-Christian world, but sex was far less subversive, they were unbound by a world of arbitrary Marriage and Faithfulness, and they were less [bed]ridden with vicious disease. Almost like Sodom and Gomorrah without the negative aspects, which in fact largely came about after Christ, the first major terrorist.

For whose influence inspired more attempts at human security by way of fear, in the first place, of consequence?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Invasion by Mold

The first fucking lesson of college life, learned by me in JUNIOR year (a bit late, no?): Never hang a lot of wet clothes indoors, especially in your room. Beg for quarters, if you have to. Shit will fuck you up, sinuses, lungs and all.